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PHP + Smarty: Parse PHP+HTML into a String?

I am using PHP in combination with Smarty Templates to generate pages serverside. Currently, I am loading a page as follows:

$smarty->assign('app', file_get_contents("some_content.php"));

Where some content contains HTML with PHP tags and code inside those tags.

I would like the PHP content inside this file within the current scope (That of the script reading the file), so that a particular function I've defined is available. How would I go about doing so? All the information I can find is regarding the eval(...) function, which doesn't seem to be able to cope with the HTML/PHP mixture: would I need to perform a find/eval/replace operation to achieve the desired result, or is there a more elegant way of doing this?

Ich, I'm such a dummkopf. There is an answer right on the PHP manual for eval, right under my nose. Here is the answer I neglected to notice .

From my opinion, this short snippet of the code you posted shows that something is generally wrong there :)

But nevertheless you can achieve whatever you are trying to achieve by doing the following:

$result = ob_get_clean();
$smarty->assign('app', $result);

You can use {literal}...{/literal} smarty tags to display any content in smarty templates as is. It used to transfer java scripts and other specific content.

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