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Accessing pointers within a struct

At the moment I have the following code:

typedef struct _hexagon {
    int *vertice[6];
    int *path[6];
    int resourceType;
} hexagon;

typedef struct _game {
    hexagon hexagons[5][5];
} Game;

and in the main I have:

Game g;
// This is the line that fails
g.hexagons[0][0].vertice[0] = 0;

This compiles fine but gives a segmentation fault. I have tried many variations, such as

g.hexagons[0][0].*vertice[0] = 0;

which doesn't compile. How do I access a pointer's memory from within a struct?

As vertice is a array-of-pointes-to-integers , to access vertice[0] , you need to do *g.hexagons[0][0].vertice[0]

Sample program:

#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct _hexagon {
    int *vertice[6];
    int *path[6];
    int resourceType;
} hexagon;

typedef struct _game {
    hexagon hexagons[5][5];
} Game;

int main()
    int i1 = 1;
    int i2 = 2;
    int i3 = 3;
    int i4 = 4;
    int i5 = 5;
    int i6 = 6;

    Game g;
    g.hexagons[0][0].vertice[0] = &i1;
    g.hexagons[0][0].vertice[1] = &i2;
    g.hexagons[0][0].vertice[2] = &i3;
    g.hexagons[0][0].vertice[3] = &i4;
    g.hexagons[0][0].vertice[4] = &i5;
    g.hexagons[0][0].vertice[5] = &i6;

    printf("%d \n", *g.hexagons[0][0].vertice[0]);
    printf("%d \n", *g.hexagons[0][0].vertice[1]);
    printf("%d \n", *g.hexagons[0][0].vertice[2]);
    printf("%d \n", *g.hexagons[0][0].vertice[3]);
    printf("%d \n", *g.hexagons[0][0].vertice[4]);
    printf("%d \n", *g.hexagons[0][0].vertice[5]);

    return 0;   


$ gcc -Wall -ggdb test.c 
$ ./a.out 

Hope it helps!

UPDATE: as pointed out by Luchian Grigore

The reason for the segmentation fault is explained by the following small program. In short, you are de-referencing a NULL pointer.

#include <stdio.h>

int *ip[3];
|    |    |    |
   |    |    |
   |    |    +----- points to an int *
   |    +---------- points to an int *
   +--------------- points to an int *

ip[0] = 0;
ip[1] = 0;
ip[2] = 0;

|    |    |    |
   |    |    |
   |    |    +----- NULL
   |    +---------- NULL
   +--------------- NULL

*ip[0] -> dereferencing a NULL pointer ---> segmantation fault

int main()
    int * ip[3];
    ip[0] = 0;
    ip[1] = 0;
    ip[2] = 0;

    if (ip[0] == NULL) {
        printf("ip[0] is NULL \n");

    printf("%d \n", *ip[0]);
    return 0;

Now you can co-relate int *ip[] with your g.hexagons[0][0].vertice[0]

I think you may have misunderstood what you have declared in _hexagon . *vertice[6] and your other array members are all arrays of pointers , so you have to treat each element like a pointer.

int x = 10;
g.hexagons[0][0].vertice[0] = &x;

Store the address of x into pointer at position 0 of your array of pointers.

you might want to change following

int *vertice[6];
int *path[6];


int vertice[6];
int path[6];

Then it should work.

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