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Rights that is needed to access the Active Directory?


I have a service hosten in IIS that runnes this code :

DirectoryEntry objADAM = default(DirectoryEntry);
            // Binding object. 
            DirectoryEntry objGroupEntry = default(DirectoryEntry);
            // Group Results. 
            DirectorySearcher objSearchADAM = default(DirectorySearcher);
            // Search object. 
            SearchResultCollection objSearchResults = default(SearchResultCollection);
            // Binding path. 
            ActiveDirectory result = new ActiveDirectory();
            ActiveDirectoryItem treeNode;

            // Get the AD LDS object. 
                if (pathToAD.Length > 0)
                    objADAM = new DirectoryEntry(pathToAD);
                    objADAM = new DirectoryEntry();
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;

            // Get search object, specify filter and scope, 
            // perform search. 
                objSearchADAM = new DirectorySearcher(objADAM);
                objSearchADAM.Filter = "(&(objectClass=group))";
                objSearchADAM.SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree;
                objSearchResults = objSearchADAM.FindAll();
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;

            // Enumerate groups 
                if (objSearchResults.Count != 0)
                    //SearchResult objResult = default(SearchResult);
                    foreach (SearchResult objResult in objSearchResults)
                        objGroupEntry = objResult.GetDirectoryEntry();
                        result.ActiveDirectoryTree.Add(new ActiveDirectoryItem() { Id = objGroupEntry.Guid, ParentId = objGroupEntry.Parent.Guid, AccountName = objGroupEntry.Name, Type = ActiveDirectoryType.Group, PickableNode = false });

                        foreach (object child in objGroupEntry.Properties["member"])
                            treeNode = new ActiveDirectoryItem();
                            var path = "LDAP://" + child.ToString().Replace("/", "\\/");
                            using (var memberEntry = new DirectoryEntry(path))

                                if (memberEntry.SchemaEntry.Name.CompareTo("group") != 0 && memberEntry.Properties.Contains("sAMAccountName") && memberEntry.Properties.Contains("objectSid"))
                                    treeNode.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
                                    treeNode.ParentId = objGroupEntry.Guid;
                                    treeNode.AccountName = memberEntry.Properties["sAMAccountName"][0].ToString();
                                    treeNode.Type = ActiveDirectoryType.User;
                                    treeNode.PickableNode = true;
                                    treeNode.FullName = memberEntry.Properties["Name"][0].ToString();

                                    byte[] sidBytes = (byte[])memberEntry.Properties["objectSid"][0];
                                    treeNode.ObjectSid = new System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier(sidBytes, 0).ToString();

                    throw new Exception("No groups found");
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception(e.Message);

            return result;

This works fine in my dev enviroment but at a customer we get this exception :

The specified directory service attribute or value does not exist

I supose that this could have to do with the rights to the Active Directory?

What account needs ActiveDirectory and what level of rights is needed?

The account running the thread needs to have read rights to AD. All domain accounts have this permission.

To cut a long story short, verify that the value of HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name is a domain account.

If the web application is configured to have anonymous access, then most likely it won't be.

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