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MVC: How can I make sure that my field have the value selected inside my view on the edit form?

I am using MVC3-Viewmodel on my project.

I have a create and edit form, What I am trying to do is to make sure that after a user Create a form, he/she should be able to edit it, when the user is at the edit page I want the values to be displayed in the inputs and selects. The only field that is not working is my DropDownList. I have no idea why.

If I close the application and go to the edit form I want that the DropDownList have the value that was created.

here is the code:

foreach (SelectedQuestionViewModel items in Model.AllSelectedQuestions)

 <select id="selectstyle2" class="Grade">
  int Grade = 1;
    for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
     <option @(items.Grade.HasValue && items.Grade.Value == Grade ? "selected" : "") >@(i)</option>

any help kind of help is appreciated.

note: I use a ajax post to my controller, inside the controller I fill my "Model.Grade" with the value that was selected from this DDL.

You have your select tag within your foreach loop. Write this tag outside, like this:

@foreach(var x in Model)
   //write out options

also have a look at Html.DropDownList extension method. This does what you're trying to do by hand.


as an example

    var selectListItems = (new[] { 1,2,3}).Select(i=>new SelectListItem { Text = i.ToString(), Value = i.ToString() });
@Html.DropDownListFor(m=>m.AllSelectedQuestions[0].Grade, selectListItems, "n/a")

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