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MySQL: “Unknown column in where clause” during Update Statement

UPDATE Recipes RE, (
    SELECT SUM((((i.iCaseCost/i.iCaseQty)/i.iUnitSize)/i.iUnitSoldBy)*ri.riQty*ri.riMeasureBy) AS     'RecipeCost'
      FROM Recipes r INNER JOIN RecipeIngredients ri
        ON r.rID = ri.rID JOIN Ingredients i
        ON ri.iID = i.iID 
        WHERE ri.rID = RE.rID
    ) t
    SET RE.rYieldCost = t.RecipeCost

When executed, I get the following error: "Unknown column 'RE.rID' in 'where clause'".

Any ideas?

Your inner derived query doesn't know anything about columns in the outer query. Try moving the WHERE into the UPDATE clause with something like WHERE t.rID = RE.rID .

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