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A java class only with “private final static” variables.. Is it a good idea?

I just want to know, since I have a lot of private final static variables in my 3 classes, if It is a good idea to put them in just one classe like this :

public class Definicoes 
    * Definições da Janela de Jogo

    public final static String nomeJanela;
    public final static short janLargura;
    public final static short janAltura;
    public final static byte tabLinhas;
    public final static byte tabColunas;
    nomeJanela = "JFindPairs - 0.3";
    janLargura = 480;
    janAltura = 480;
    tabLinhas = 4;
    tabColunas = 4;

    * Definições do Tabuleiro e respectivas Cartas

    public final static byte numeroCartoes;
        numeroCartoes = 16;

Thanks in Advance for any help. Luis Da Costa

I would put them in one place if they all have to be the same. Otherwise, I would keep the constants where they are used.


When they start as private ie they are used only in a single class, they should stay there.

If they need to get accessed by different classes there is probably some concept hiding. The concept might manifest itself as a class with just public static final variables, but more likely it will split in multiple classes (at least that is my experience). Unfortunatly there is now way to tell with out knowing more about your program.


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