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Spring Security + MVC : Questions around context definition & bean scope

I'm trying to understand the reccommended way for defining Spring Security in Spring-MVC applications, where the bean definitions is split across multiple parent/child contexts.

For example, my current app's web.xml looks as follows, (which I understand to be fairly standard)


So, I have a standard ContextLoaderListener defined at / , which loads my global configs - applicationContext.xml and securityContext.xml . I also define the spring mvc DispatcherServlet at /app/ , which loads it's own beans from spring-mvc-servlet.xml .

As I understand it, config defined in spring-mvc-servlet.xml is not visible to config defined in either of the top-level context files.

Where then is the best place to define app-level security concepts? For example, I'd like to add the following filter.

<security:http pattern="/oauth/token" create-session="stateless" entry-point-ref="oauthAuthenticationEntryPoint">
    <security:custom-filter ref="clientCredentialsTokenEndpointFilter" before="BASIC_AUTH_FILTER" />

This is so that requests to /app/oauth/token pass through this filter, and get basic authentication processed.

Because this pertains directly to a concern of the Spring-MVC app, I initially defined it in spring-mvc-context.xml (which is why the app is excluded from the url).

However, this means it's not visible to the security config defined in securityContext.xml , so it's ignored.

So, I move it up to securityContext.xml , but in doing so, also must move all the dependencies. I quickly end up moving everything up to applicationContext.xml , which leaves the spring-mvc-context.xml almost empty.

Is this common? What is the reccomended split between what is defined in top-level contexts, and what gets defined in child contexts?

Given that spring-mvc defines a series of controllers, which I want to mark as @Secured , how will these be processed if the controller is not visible to the security context?

Do I need to move my <mvc:annotation-driven /> from the servlet.xml to the global applicationContext.xml ? Do I need additional configuration within the spring-mvc-servlet.xml to tell it to participate in Spring security?

I've read the documentation on Spring-MVC , but there's very few specifics on how to configure this. Additionally, the Spring OAuth examples seem to define everything within a single config file, which doesn't seem very real-world, and seems to contradict other examples I've read.

First: the beans defined within applicationContext.xml ( ContextLoaderListener ) can not access the one defined in spring-mvc-servlet.xml ( DispatcherServlet ) but not the other way around.

You asked:

Given that spring-mvc defines a series of controllers, which I want to mark as @Secured, how will these be processed if the controller is not visible to the security context?

So this works without problems, because the controllers must be defined in the spring-mvc-servlet.xml , so they "see" the Spring Security stuff defined in applicationContext.xml

Do I need to move my from the servlet.xml to the global applicationContext.xml?


Do I need additional configuration within the spring-mvc-servlet.xml to tell it to participate in Spring security?


... which leaves the spring-mvc-context.xml almost empty. Is this common?

The spring-mvc-context.xml should contain every thing that is related to Web Stuff (except secrutiy). So the common parts of the spring-mvc-context.xml are component scan for @Controller , some Interceptors ( mvc:interceptors ), mvc:resources , mvc:default-servlet-handler , mvc:view-controller , ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource , CookieLocaleResolver , .SimpleMappingExceptionResolver ...

BTW: If you use component scan, then you need two of them, one at applicationContext.xml to scan for @Service @Repository and @Component (But not @Controller ) and a second in spring-mvc-context.xml that only scan for @Controller !

@See also this question: ContextLoaderListener or not? It discuss the theme from an other point of view.

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