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Sub menus fallback to jqGrid

I am using Asp.Net jqGRid in one of my pages , no issues with that.However I have a drop down menu which is containing only few submenus at this stage , the issue I am having is that my submenus appear behind of the jqGRid .I dont know how do I solve this.I tried giving higher z-index to the div which wraps the menu , but no help.Here is the image

在此处输入图片说明 Any suggestions is much appreciated.


So the issue got solved by setting the following styles to my div jgGridDiv which was containing the jqGrid .Here is my code


It is working fine now.Also I set a higher z-index to my div which contained the menu , this is very important.

I would recommend you to use Developer Tools of Chrome to examine the "Computed Style" of the div where jqGrid are created.

I know two problems which can follow to effects which you describe:

  • the usage of Compatibility Mode of IE. It's the problem which can exist only in Internet Explorer. Because of the problem I try to place in the <head> on every page which has jqGrid the line <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> . It works with all !DOCTYPE with exception HTML5 !DOCTYPE ( <!DOCTYPE html"> ). More safe would be to set "X-UA-Compatible"
            <clear />
            <add name="X-UA-Compatible" value="IE=edge"/>

(like here , but with another value of "X-UA-Compatible" HTTP header)

  • z-index will be inherited from some parent div where you placed jqGrid. In the case you can consider to use place the <table> and the pager <div> inside of additional "container" div and set in the style of the div position: relative; z-index: auto; position: relative; z-index: auto; or position: relative; z-index: 1; position: relative; z-index: 1; (or other small value).

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