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knotckout js foreach appending rows automatically in IE 7 and 8

I have a "mini-cart" in a eCommerce site that I am bulding. For the "mini-cart" i use foreach to add items to a table.

The "mini-cart" is a dropdown and it is rendered from a razor file. When i close the "mini-cart" and opens it again it automatically appends all the rows one more time. So everytime I close the "mini-cart" and opens it again. All the rows gets appended one more time.

When the cart is opened this code is run.

showCart = function () {
    WebService.PostJson("/services/CartService.svc/GetCart", {},
        function (cartDto) {
            postman.deliver('cartShown', 1);
        function () {


The table looks like this.

<table width="100%" >
    <thead data-bind="foreach: Items, stripe: Items, evenClass: 'even', oddClass: 'odd'">
        <td data-bind="text: ArticleNo">
        <td data-bind="text: Name" style="width:390px;">
            <input type="text" data-bind="value: Quantity" class="quantity"/>
        <td class="cart-price-column">
            <span class="cartRowSubTotal" style="display: none;" data-bind="text: SubTotal"></span>
            <a href="#" class="erase" data-bind="click: remove">Ta bort</a>

updateCart does a Items.splice(0); so it should reload it self each time. But it does not seem to work i internet explorer 7 and 8.

Is there anyway to "clear" the table everytime? Or can the viewmodel figure this out on its own?



It seemed that the splice method did not empty the array for some reason. When changed to cart.Items([]) it started to work.

Set cart.items(null); Nothing to do with IE!

In IE, the length parameter is required. Leaving it empty causes the function to do nothing. Call it like this: Items.splice(0, Items().length) .

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