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c# Decimal to string for currency

To display a currency we do:


For value 5.00 the output is:


For value 5.98 the output is:


For value 5.90 the output is:


I need the third case to come out with 2 decimal points, eg:


How can I do this without it affecting the other results?

I know this doesn't give you a format that fixes the problem, but it's a simple solution to work around it.

(5.00).ToString("0.00").Replace(".00","");  // returns 5
(5.90).ToString("0.00").Replace(".00", ""); // returns 5.90
(5.99).ToString("0.00").Replace(".00", ""); // returns 5.99



Or just:


I know of no built-in way to expand out all two decimal places only when both are not zero. Would probably just use an if statement for that.

int len = s.Length;
if (s[len - 2] == '0' && s[len - 1] == '0')
    s = s.Left(len - 3);

You could use an extension method, something like this:

public static string ToCurrencyString(this decimal d)
    decimal t = Decimal.Truncate(d);
    return d.Equals(t) ? d.ToString("0.##") : d.ToString("#, ##0.00")

# means if there is no number leave it empty 0 means put a 0 if there is no number


Not sure if I'm missing something, but can't you just do this:

decimal moneyvalue = 1921.39m;
string html = String.Format("Order Total: {0:C}", moneyvalue);

Just use myDecimal.ToString("N") ,

With "N" parameter will transform decimal to string, and the number of decimals to show will be defined by your SO settings.


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