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javascript object prototype property access

Here is a jsFiddle of my question: http://jsfiddle.net/4wyvv/1/


//constructor function
function Maker(){
    var str;

    this.init = function(str){
        this.str = str;

    this.msg = function(){
        return this.str;

//object from Maker
var obj = new Maker();

obj.init("Hi my name is Dan");

//make sure everything exists and has worked as expected
//look in Maker.prototype for the constructor property
//look in Maker.prototype for the constructor property

//now look for all makers prototype properties, this should list atleast "constructor"
for(var i in Maker.prototype){

Why does the foreach loop not put out anything? It should at least put out constructor as I showed that Maker.prototype.constructor exists.

From MDN

for..in Iterates over the enumerable properties of an object, in arbitrary order. For each distinct property, statements can be executed.

Things like constructor , toString , hasOwnProperty are non enumerable properties and they won't be listed in for..in

Some properties of object like "constructor" are hidden or to be more precise non-enumerable so they are not enumerated using a for in loop like this, In ECMA5 we have a method that can get all the properties


this is give you


Here is a detailed explanation : How to display all methods of an object in Javascript?

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