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JavaScript - Access Class Instance Property in Prototype Function

I have the following code:

class Pet {
    constructor(name) {
        this.petName = name;

Pet.prototype.speak = {
    name: function() {

// -----------------------------------------------

const myPet = new Pet("Max");

I expect this code to print Max , but instead it prints undefined .

If I change the console.log to console.log(this); it prints { name: [Function: name] } . Which makes me think that function doesn't have access to the instance properties.

How can I ensure that this function has access to the instance?

If you're targetting or have support for ES6 language features, one way to achieve what you want would be via a get method combined with an arrow function .

The get method would be declared get speak() which means it can be called without paranthesis. This method would return an object that contains a name() arrow function. Use of the arrow function here allows you to access the enclosing Pet instance via the this keyword directly:

 class Pet { constructor(name) { this.petName = name; } // Get method allows the speak method to be called without () get speak() { return { // Arrow function causes this.petName to refer to petName // field of this class instance name: () => { console.log(this.petName); } } } } const myPet = new Pet("Max"); myPet.speak.name(); const yourPet = new Pet("Min"); yourPet.speak.name(); 

Here is more information on the get method syntax and language feature .

When you call a function like this: myPet.speak.name(); then inside that function this refers to myPet.speak . In your case that is an object with one property (name) whose value is a function.

If you make speak itself be a function instead of an object, and use the property petName instead of name , it will work:

 class Pet { constructor(name) { this.petName = name; } } Pet.prototype.speak = function() { // myPet has a `petName` property, but no `name` property console.log(this.petName); }; const myPet = new Pet("Max"); myPet.speak(); // this will be `myPet` inside the function 

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