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Concat every 4 strings from a list?

I have this list:

['192', '168', '0', '1', '80', '192', '168', '0', '2', '8080']...

And i want to get this list:

['', '']...

What is the best way of doing it ?

using range with list pop ?

using list slicing ?

>>> data = ['192', '168', '0', '1', '80', '192', '168', '0', '2', '8080']
>>> ['{}.{}.{}.{}:{}'.format(*x) for x in zip(*[iter(data)]*5)]
['', '']

Using starmap

>>> from itertools import starmap
>>> list(starmap('{}.{}.{}.{}:{}'.format,zip(*[iter(data)]*5)))
['', '']

This is one way to do it, which may or may not be the "best" way:

>>> a = ['192', '168', '0', '1', '80', '192', '168', '0', '2', '8080']
>>> [":".join([".".join(a[x:x+4]), a[x+4]]) for x in range(0, len(a), 5)]
['', '']

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