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special characters in facebook canvas

im having problems with special characters in the facebook canvas.

Im retreiving the users friends who haven't installed the app and displaying them. However, when i display them, the special chars appear as if they where encoded differently.

For example, á appears as á, é as é and so on.

Iv tried some things that haven't worked:

$search=array('Ã', 'á', 'é','í','ó','ú','ñ');
$replace=array('&Aacute;', '&aacute;','&eacute;','&iacute;','&oacute;','&uacute;','&nacute;',);

echo str_replace($search,$replace, $friend_name) ?>

<? echo htmlentities($friend_name) ?>

some more info: Im working with facebook's php sdk, and set mete tag:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />


EDIT: applied utf8_decode() and the problem was solved. Is there anyway of solving the problem without this function?

Smells like a character encoding issue (UTF, cp1252, etc) as opposed to an escaping issue ( \\htmlspecialchars ). Check your source and destination encodings; they're probably mismatched.

By the way, it's worth mentioning that the default internal encoding for PHP changed to UTF-8 as of version 5.4, so you may also be running into bugs caused by version mismatches.

You should encode that document UTF-8. It depends on the editor you use the way it encodes. In notepad++ there is a encoding tab and you should use UTF-8 without BOM. This fixed my problem with facebook.

Even though you set the meta tag it won't be enough, you should encode your document UTF-8. If you do this, it will save you from having to encode/decode most similar things.

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