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Google Apps API (Calendar v3) returns 404 error

I had been working with the Google API (Calendar v3) for a while without problems until I started to receive error messages a week ago. I can still authorize but any request I make returns a 404 error. I also tried to use another Google Apps account and had the same issue.

// Load the API and make an API call.
function makeApiCall() {
    gapi.client.load('calendar', 'v3', function() { 
        var request = gapi.client.calendar.events.list({ 
            'calendarId': 'primary' 
        request.execute(function(resp) { 
            console.log (resp);

The console log is: code: 404 data: Array[1] error: Object message: "Not Found" proto : Object

here's the link for the Google code issue-33 which was opened. just in case others find this first while trying to find a solution.

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