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Mustache templating Objects

I want to use mustache to template some data. The data to template is like :

var data = {
            "lib" : "L1",
            "group" : 
               {"echelle" : "Bassin"}

I try to use mustache :

var templateResult = "<tr><td><p>{{lib}}</p></td><td><p>{{>group}}</p></td></tr>";
var partials = {"group" : "{{#group}}<td><p>{{echelle}}</p></td>{{/group}}"}

$("#result_indic_table").append(Mustache.render(templateResult, data, partials));

And it just doesn't work... What am i doing wrong?

I've solved my problem... the data wasn't like I thought :

data = {
            "indicateur" : {
              "lib" : "L1",
              "group" : 
                 {"echelle" : "Bassin"}

So the template should look like :

var templateResult = "{{#indicateur}}<tr><td><p>{{lib}}</p></td><td><p>{{>group}}</p></td></tr>{{/indicateur}}";
var partials = {"group" : "{{#group}}<td><p>{{echelle}}</p></td>{{/group}}"}

And it's done.

The problem with mustachejs is being what it is. I'd rather go for Swig or Dust.js

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