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How to fetch class instead of array in Doctrine 2

I am able to fetch my data from database by using this structure:

$user = $this->getDoctrine()

When I do that, I am able to get my data like this:


Basically I am able to use Entity Class.

But if I want to use QueryBuilder instead of find I am only getting associative arrays.

        ->where('p.idx = :idx')
        ->setParameter('idx', 8081)
        ->orderBy('p.idx', 'DESC')
        $product = $query->getResult();

$product returnds as array. Is it possible to fetch it withj Entity Managaer Class? If yes, how?

I digg the documentation but it seems not possible or not exist in the doc or I'm just blind :)

Yes you can, usually using:


This should return you an array of entities.

If you want to get a single entity result, use either getSingleResult or getOneOrNullResult :


Warning: These method can potentially throw NonUniqueResultException .

Edit: Ok, so the question was about partial objects: http://docs.doctrine-project.org/en/latest/reference/partial-objects.html

you can get an object instead of array by using "Partial Objects".

here is a tested example with DoctrineORM 2.2.2:

// create query builder
// $em is the EntityManager
$qb    = $em->createQueryBuilder();

// specify the fields to fetch (unselected fields will have a null value)
$qb->select  ('partial p.{id,pubDate,title,summary}')
   ->from    ('Project\Entity\Post', 'p')
   ->where   ('p.isActive = 1')
   ->orderBy ('p.pubDate', 'desc');

$q      = $qb->getQuery();

$result = $q->getResult();
var_dump($result); // => object

If you wish to return an object from your original query:

    ->where('p.idx = :idx')
    ->setParameter('idx', 8081)
    ->orderBy('p.idx', 'DESC')
    $product = $query->getResult();

Remove this line


As soon as you use select, it will return an array...

getResult() method returns a collection (an array) of entities. Use getSingleResult() if you're going to fetch only one object.


Oh, I just noticed that you want to fetch a single field of a single object. Use getSingleScalarResult() as @Florian suggests.

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