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Use python to grep lines from one file out of another file

Similar question to alternative of "grep" in python; but the complexity here is what is grepped is variable (lines) from another file. I cannot figure out how to do this using functions like re.findall()


1  20  200
1  30  300


1  20  200  0.1  0.5
1  20  200  0.3  0.1
1  30  300  0.2  0.6
1  40  400  0.9  0.6
2  50  300  0.5  0.7

Each line from file1 is my pattern; and I need to search such pattern from file2. Then result should be:

    1  20  200  0.1  0.5
    1  20  200  0.3  0.1
    1  30  300  0.2  0.6

I've been trying to solve the problem using either bash or python,but cannot figure out. thx

Here's a non-regex based solution:

with open('/tmp/file1') as f:
  lines1 = f.readlines()

with open('/tmp/file2') as f:
  for line in f:
    if any(line.startswith(x.strip()) for x in lines1):
      print line,

You can take advantage of the fact the the | character in a regular expression means to match either the pattern on its left, or the pattern on its right:

import re

with open('file1') as file1:
    patterns = "|".join(re.escape(line.rstrip()) for line in file1)

regexp = re.compile(patterns)
with open('file2') as file2:
    for line in file2:
        if regexp.search(line):
            print line.rstrip()

When I tried this on your sample files, it output:

1   20  200 0.1 0.5
1   20  200 0.3 0.1
1   30  300 0.2 0.6

Incidentally, if you want to solve this problem in bash, the following should do it:

grep -f file1 file2 

I think you'll need your own loop

file1patterns = [ re.Pattern(l) for l in f1.readlines() ]
lineToMatch = 0
matchedLines = []
for line in f2.readlines():
  if file1patterns[lineToMatch].matches(line):
    matchedLines += line
    lineToMatch += 1
    lineToMatch = 0
    matchedLines = []
  if len(matchedLines) == len(file1patterns)
    print matchedLines
    lineToMatch = 0
    matchedLines = []

(Not actual compiling Python, but hopefully enough for you to move forward)

Step 1: Read in all lines from file 1, split them and add them as tuples to a set. This will help us to do faster lookups in the next step.

with open('file1', 'r') as f:
    file1_lines = set([tuple(line.strip().split()) for line in f])

Step 2: Filter lines from file2 that meet your criteria ie if they start with any of the lines in file1:

with open('file2', 'r') as f2:
    for line in itertools.ifilter(lambda x: tuple(x.split()[:3]) in file1_lines, f2):
        print line

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