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Two Select query help needed

SELECT r.nid 
FROM recipe_node_ingredient r,recipe_ingredient ri 
WHERE r.`ingredient_id` = ri.id 
AND ri.name = 'carrot' 
AND r.nid NOT IN (SELECT r.nid 
                  FROM recipe_node_ingredient r,recipe_ingredient ri
                  WHERE  r.`ingredient_id` = ri.id AND ri.name = 'salt');

This Query will return a Node Id..

And this query also returns a Node id.

 SELECT nid 
 FROM  taxonomy_index JOIN taxonomy_term_data USING (tid) 
 WHERE name IN ('Desert."', 'Indian')

is that possible to check within the MySQL query whether both return node id are equal..?

There is nothing in MYSQL to check if something is equal in a query (results being returned from different queries)
Your requirement is a business logic. So you take the return value of first query and return value of second query and compare them in your code !

Well, you could try something like this:

      FROM recipe_node_ingredient r,
           recipe_ingredient ri
      WHERE r.`ingredient_id` = ri.id
      AND   ri.name = 'carrot'
      AND   r.nid NOT IN (SELECT r.nid
                          FROM recipe_node_ingredient r,
                               recipe_ingredient ri
                          WHERE r.`ingredient_id` = ri.id
                          AND   ri.name = 'salt')) subSelect1,
     (SELECT nid
      FROM taxonomy_index 
        JOIN taxonomy_term_data USING (tid)
      WHERE name IN ('Desert."','Indian')
      GROUP BY nid
      HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) subSelect2
WHERE subSelect1.nid = subSelect2.nid

If you do not get a result from this query, the nids dont match.

How about using a FULL OUTER JOIN to compare the results?

  IFNULL(from_recipe, 0) from_recipe, 
  IFNULL(from_taxonomy, 0) from_taxonomy
    SELECT   r.nid, 1 AS from_recipe
    FROM     recipe_node_ingredient r
               SELECT 1 FROM recipe_ingredient WHERE id = r.ingredient_id AND name = 'carrot'
             AND NOT EXISTS (
               SELECT 1 FROM recipe_ingredient WHERE id = r.ingredient_id AND name = 'salt'
  ) AS recipe
    SELECT   ti.nid, 1 AS from_taxonomy
    FROM     taxonomy_index td
             INNER JOIN taxonomy_term_data ti ON td.tid = it.tid
    WHERE    td.name IN ('Desert."', 'Indian')
    GROUP BY ti.nid 
    HAVING   COUNT(*) > 1
  ) AS taxonomy ON recipe.nid = taxonomy.nid
  IFNULL(from_recipe, 0) + IFNULL(from_taxonomy, 0) = 1

The WHERE from_recipe + from_taxonomy = 1 will return rows that are in one query only. Use = 2 to see the other half or leave it off entirely to see which is which.

select if(select r.nid from recipe_node_ingredient r,recipe_ingredient ri where
r.`ingredient_id` = ri.id and ri.name = 'carrot' and r.nid 
NOT IN (select r.nid from recipe_node_ingredient r,recipe_ingredient ri
where  r.`ingredient_id` = ri.id and ri.name = 'salt') == (SELECT nid FROM  taxonomy_index JOIN taxonomy_term_data
 USING (tid) WHERE name IN ('Desert."', 'Indian')
 GROUP BY nid HAVING COUNT(*) > 1),'true','false')

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