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Imagemagick exec and convert

I recently started using imagemagick with php and I'm relatively new with both of these, IM and PHP. So, I'm here to ask for some help/suggestion(s).


If lets say a user uploads a gif or a png image on my site and I want it converted to jpg, is there any command like for example. $image->convert($file,'.jpg) or the convert command is accesible only thru exec() ? like for example exec(convert picture.png to picture.jpg)


What if for again, the user uploads gif/png on the site and I resize the image to a specified width/height and write the image, with the writeImage function of IM like this: $image->writeImage(basename.$ext) where $ext = jpg. Will this work properly,is this a good practice? I assume this will only rename it but still, I don't see a problem in this... oO

Oh sorry one more question, I'm not very familiar with exec, is it better using imagemagick using exec() , does it improve speed, load etc?

I can't answer your questions directly but thought I point you to a few resources:

Regarding which is better, exec or the PHP extension, I asked this same question a few months ago:

Should I use a PHP extension for ImageMagick or just use PHP's Exec() function to run the terminal commands?

For all Image Magick PHP functions you should look up the official guide:


I switched from Image Magick to Graphics Magick as I heard it has better performance. It is a fork of Image Magick with an emphasis on performance. Large sites like Flickr and Etsy use it:


This guide got me started:


And they have their own manual on php.net:

http://php.net/manual/en/book.gmagick.php (most of the commands are identical to Image Magick's)

I prefer using exec() as it is supported a lot better than Imagick ( the example code you posted ), easier to use and supports all the operators ( depending on your version ) which again Imagick does not. Some of the Imagick code works differntly in the different versions; there are a lot more Imagick examples around than there were a couple of years ago when I first started looking at it.

Saying that Imagick can be faster and is/can be? built into php although some people have trouble installing it.

I belive that this site http://valokuva.org/?cat=1 belongs to a Imagick developer and has lots of examples.

My site www.rubblewebs.co.uk/imagemagick has lots of examples of php with exec( )

As to your other two questions yes you can change the file type with Imagick and I am not sure about basename.$ext - why not try it? As long as basename does not have an extension it may work but you might need to include basename.$ext in quotes.

As to speed it dpends sometimes GD is faster other times Imagick or Imagemagick. You can always do some tests. I did some a year or so ago and you can try the code on your server. http://www.rubblewebs.co.uk/imagemagick/speed/Speed_tests_1.pdf

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