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Android - Custom ListView with internet images. Can't download images

I'm trying to display a custom ListView that has a thumbnail image and text in each row.

I have the text stored in one ArrayList<String> and the URLs to each thumbnail stored in another one.

I can get the text to appear in the list, but I can only statically/manually set the image.

My question: How can I make my ImageView download the thumbnail image and display it? Each thumbnail is unique.

Here is my code for populating the ListAdapter:

class CustomAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<String> 
        super(MyClass.this, R.layout.listrows, R.id.txtAddress,propertyAddress);

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
        View row=super.getView(position, convertView, parent);
        ViewHolder holder=(ViewHolder)row.getTag();

        if (holder==null) 
            holder=new ViewHolder(row);

        //I tried this,
        //But I get a NullPointer


Also, my ViewHolder class is pretty normal:

class ViewHolder
    ImageView icon=null;
    ViewHolder(View base)   {

I would appreciate any help with this.


setImageUri is to set a local position. not for the internet.

try to use ImageDownloader .

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