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Output Caching By Url (Route) ASP.NET 4

I haven't found a clear answer to this, so can someone help me?

If we have a URL like this


Then we can set

 <%@ OutputCache Duration="120" VaryByParam="listingtype;propertytype;location" %>

But I use routing, so my url looks like this:


or for example


How do I use the RouteValues in VaryByParam, or can I set it from code-behind or how? I am not using MVC, this is an ASP.NET website

Edit: (For non ASP.NET MVC apps)

How about this:

Make the OutputCache definition this:

<%@ OutputCache Duration="120" VaryByParam="None" VaryByCustom="listingtype;propertytype;location" %>

In the Global.asax.cs add these methods:

public override string GetVaryByCustomString(HttpContext context, string custom)
    if (custom == "lisingtype")
        return GetParamFromRouteData("listingtype", context);

    if (custom == "propertytype")
        return GetParamFromRouteData("propertytype", context);

    if (custom == "location")
        return GetParamFromRouteData("location", context);

    return base.GetVaryByCustomString(context, custom);

private string GetParamFromRouteData(string routeDataKey, HttpContext context)
    object value;

    if (!context.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values.TryGetValue(routeDataKey, out value))
        return null;

    return value.ToString();

Old Content:

If you simply put OutputCache on your action method and make all your route parts part of your action method, something like this:

public ActionResult FindProperties(string listingtype, string propertytype, string location)

The the framework will automatically vary the cache by these items for you (See: http://aspalliance.com/2035_Announcing_ASPNET_MVC_3_Release_Candidate_2_.4 )

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