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Selenium: Testing pop-up windows

I have an issue when trying to test a web application with Selenium/Python. Basically I can't test elements of a pop-up window.

A scenario: I can test all elements for a page. But when I go to click on a button that opens up a small pop up box I can't test the elements on the popup. It's like the pop up isn't in focus or active.

I can test elements on the next page. For example click a button, brings me on to next page, and I can work with elements on the 'next' page. So it the problem seems to be popup specific.

I could post code but to be honest it might confuse at this stage. I may post code in a later post, thanks

There is a property called switch_to

Q: How do I handle pop up windows?

A: WebDriver offers the ability to cope with multiple windows. This is done by using the WebDriver.switch_to.window(knownName) method to switch to a window with a known name.

If the name is not known, you can use WebDriver.window_handles to obtain a list of known windows.

You may pass the handle to switch_to.window(handleName)

For example I used driverName.switchTo.window(driverName.getWindowHandle()) to get a hold of popups for which I didn't want to look for names.

Additional references: http://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/FrequentlyAskedQuestions

For the Selenium RC API, you need to use the SelectWindow command to switch to the pop-up window. The window can be specified either by its name (as specified on the JavaScript window.open() function) or its title. To switch back to the main window, use SelectWindow(None) .

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