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Setting a CMS Page Name in Magento for Google Analytics

In /app/code/core/Mage/GoogleAnalytics/Block/Ga.php line 88 makes reference to $this->getPageName() which is used in line 95 of the same script. While this makes sense in that if the page has a "Page Name" defined it will attach it to the Google Analytics code what I can not find is where in the Magento Admin or the page XML do I set this "Page Name" for a CMS page? In the notes on Ga.php it says "The custom "page name" may be set from layout or somewhere else. It must start from slash." but I don't see how I would do that.

When I asked this question to Magento Support they came back with "Look at our design guide" and no other information.

How do I set a Page Name for a CMS page in Magento Enterprise Thanks!

It's not set anywhere by default. You could set it when you create the block in the layout xml using an action call eg:

<action method="setPageName"><name>blah/blahblah/foo.html</name></action>

You could set it in a controller by calling the setPageName() method on the block. Or you could just override the Mage_GoogleAnalytics_Block_Ga class and add your own custom functionality:

public function getPageName()
    if (!$this->hasData('page_name')) {
    return $this->getData('page_name');

Another solution, based on Roscius version:

public function getPageName()
    if (!$this->hasData('page_name')) {
        $this->setPageName(str_replace(Mage::getStoreConfig('design/head/title_prefix'), '', $this->getLayout()->getBlock('head')->getTitle()));
    return $this->getData('page_name');

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