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enforce order of function calls?

Say I have a abstract base class and I want to have a pure virtual method which must be implemented by the derived class but I want to make sure that the derived method calls functions in a particular order what could I do to enforce it ?


base class
virtual void doABC()=0;
virtual void A()=0;
virtual void B()=0;
virtual void C()=0;

// must call ABC in the correct order 
derived class public base
void doABC();

This is just so I have a better understanding on how to design my classes to enforce someone to use my class correctly.

You're looking for the template method pattern :


Something along these lines:

class BaseAlgorithm
    virtual void firstStep() = 0;
    virtual void secondStep() = 0;
    virtual void finalStep() = 0;
    void runAlgorithm()

class ConcreteAlgorithm : BaseAlgorithm
    virtual void firstStep() {};
    virtual void secondStep() {};
    virtual void finalStep() {};

You basically force extending classes to implement all intermediate steps, but you keep them protected or private - document this - and only call runAlgorithm() , which ties the smaller pieces together.

There are actually two particular ways, depending on whether you go with inheritance or parameterization.

If you with inheritance, it is the Template Method pattern:

class Base {
    void doit() {
    virtual void do1() = 0;
    virtual void do2() = 0;

And if you go with parameterization, it is the Strategy pattern:

class Strategy {
    virtual void do1() = 0;
    virtual void do2() = 0;

void doit(Strategy& s) {

From the website:

Strategy is like Template Method except in its granularity. [Coplien, C++ Report, Mar 96, p88]

Template Method uses inheritance to vary part of an algorithm. Strategy uses delegation to vary the entire algorithm. [GoF, p330]

Strategy modifies the logic of individual objects. Template Method modifies the logic of an entire class. [Grand, p383]

I recommend you familiarize yourself with them.

The simplest answer could be if You remove virtual from doABC(), so that it can not be derived by child class. Call the virtual methods inside doABC() in correct order.

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