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Getting record from another table with id recognition

there are tables artist, track, & etc in the artist table there is : id name cover desc

and in the track table there is : id name desc artistid

so if i goto track.php?id=1 and then they print id name desc artistid i want to make this show the record from artist table with id recognition

and can you show me how to make multiple filter from recordset. because i have field "pubid" when the value is 1 this mean publish and then if the value is 2 this mean unpublish

sorry bad english thx u so much

Have a look at SQL Join . In order to only get records which may be published, you'll have to add another WHERE clause. Like:

SELECT name, desc FROM track WHERE id = $id AND pubid = 1;

track.php?id=1 or track.php?id=1&pubid=1 track.php?id=1&pubid=2


if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
    $artistid = $_GET['id'];
    if (isset($_GET['pubid'])) {
        $pudid = $_GET['pubid']; 
        $sql = "select `id`, `name` from `track` where `artistid` = {$artistid} and `pubid` = {$pupid} order by `desc`";

    } else
        $sql = "select `id`, `name` from `track` where `artistid` = {$artistid} order by `desc`";

    $query = mysql_query($sql);
    while (($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) !== false) {
       echo $row['name'];

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