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Getting incorrect result with XQuery?

Below is the XMl File -

  <Chapter n="1">
       <BookRef>HTML : in 21 Days</BookRef>
       <Page>12, 13</Page>
       <BookRef>HTML : Unlimited</BookRef>
       <Page>21, 22</Page>
       <BookRef>The Complete Reference - HTML</BookRef>
  <Chapter n="2">
       <BookRef>HTML : in 21 Days</BookRef>
       <Page>52, 53</Page>
       <BookRef>The Complete Reference - HTML</BookRef>
       <BookRef>The Complete Reference - Javascript</BookRef>

I am trying to list - all the containing HTML word using /Chapters/Chapter/References[BookRef contains text 'HTML']/BookRef

But all are being displayed...!! What will be the XQuery to retrieve the same?

Try the following one:

/Chapters/Chapter/References/BookRef[. contains text 'HTML']

Otherwise, all References nodes will be returned that have a BookRef node containing HTML , and the following step will return all BookRef nodes (ie, you lose the information which of the BookRef nodes had the searched token).


/Chapters/Chapter/References/BookRef[contains(., 'HTML')]

使用XPath = /Chapters/Chapter/References/BookRef[contains(., 'HTML')]

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