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PHP - Reading ftp text files and extract required data

This is my first php script. I actually code in vb.net.. I am making this licensing system for .net applications. This licensing system has a manager which the admin can easily control and view. Also Iam making a class library to login and register for the same. I have succeeded in doing so using only vb.net code but as the credentials need to be stored inside the application there always is a threat. Using php this problem can be overcomed somewhat :tongue: . So I decided to make the login + register system using this kinda php scripts. I am using a only admin read,write text file instead of a mysql database ( Easily maneagable for all hosting services ). So, I have come up with this following piece of code and I need some help in the confirming the login part. The text file is like this :

username password hwid lastdate membershiptype

All separated by 'space' and one account per line. I hope I have given enough information, If extra information is needed, I will give it.

$user = addslashes($_GET['username']);
$pass = addslashes($_GET['password']);

  $username = "theusername";  
  $password = "thepassword";  
  $url = "mywebsite.com/file.txt";
  $hostname= "ftp://$username:$password@$url";  
  $contents = file_get_contents($hostname); 
// That gives me the txt file which can only be read and written by the admin
if (strpos($contents,$user) !== false) {
   // Need code here to check if the adjacent word and the $pass are same to establish a successfull login
} else {
 echo "Username does not exist, please register"

Here try this, hope it helps:

file.txt would need tobe in this format, values seperated by : , spaces are not a good way to seperate values.


The PHP bit:

$user = $_GET['username'];
$pass = $_GET['password'];

    echo 'Yes';
    echo 'No';

 * This function will grab the text file and create a user array
 * @return array(0=>username,1=>password)
function get_auth(){
    $username = "theusername";
    $password = "thepassword";
    $url = "mywebsite.com/file.txt";
    $location = "ftp://$username:$password@$url";

    $users = file($location);
    function split_auth(&$value){
        $value = explode(':',$value);
    return $users;

 * This Function will check the username and password
 *  against the users array
 * @param array $users
 * @param string $username
 * @param string $password
 * @return bool (true|false)
function check_auth($users,$username,$password){
    foreach($users as $user){
        if($user[0]==$username && $user[1]==$password){
            return true;
    return false;

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