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How to get the image from drawable folder in android?

I am working on quiz application. I stored the column data in the following form in sqlite database. 在此处输入图片说明

I am able to retrieve the question but now I need to retrieve the image of that particular question. I kept the images in drawable folder. But I need to change the ie src="/test/image1.png" to src="/drawable/image1.png" . If I change the path like the path of the image in sqlite colum at then can I get the image which I kept in my drawable folder? Please help me regarding this...

Thanks in advance

I would insist that in database you can just give the name of the image and then you can get the image using getIdentifier ,

getResources().getIdentifier(name,"drawable", getPackageName());

Where name will be the name of your image ie - "image1"

It can be done like this aswell:

 Drawable drawable = this.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.androidmarker);

where this refers to the context of the actual activity.

getResources()。getIdentifier(name,“ drawable”,getPackageName());

只需命名src =“ image1.png”并将文件放在资产文件夹图像和html中

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