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How do i bind a ListViewItem to Grid?

How do i bind a grid to ListViewItem's content in Listview datatemplate, Like this:

<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding AListInMyViewModel}">
      <GridView >
        <GridViewColumn Header="VariableDetails" Width="10">
            <DataTemplate >
               <ContentPresenter Content="{Binding DetailPanel,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" DataContext="{Binding}" />

and in my ViewModel i have the AListInMyViewModel that its every item has a property like this:

Panel DetailPanel{
       Grid MyGrid=new Grid();

       return MyGrid;

now i want to show the specified grid (DetailPanel) in a cell of the MyListView.

Try specifying that your Panel is public . Also, how have you declared your list? I'm not sure about the way you've set your DataContext in the XAML -- I've never done it that way before. Just to eliminate that as a potential issue, try setting the DataContext to your viewmodel in code-behind. Also, remember to look at your output window after you start your application to see where you could have problems with your databinding, and add these messages to your question.

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