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how to force a call to be synchronous in node.js

Please take a look at the code snippet below. I want the 2nd MongoDB query to be executed only after I have the results from the first one. But as you can imagine, it doesn't happen in that order.

db.collection('student_profile', function (err, stuColl) {
  //This if-else can be refactored in to a seperate function
  if (req.params.stuId == req.header('x-stuId')) {
    var stuInQuestion = student;
  } else {
    var stuInQuestionId = new ObjectID.createFromHexString(req.params.stuId);
      '_id': stuInQuestionId
    }, function (err, stuInQuestionObj) {
      if (!stuInQuestionObj) {
        process.nextTick(function () {
      } else {
        var stuInQuestion = stuInQuestionObj;

    '_id': {
      $in: stuInQuestion['courses']
    '_id': -1
  }).toArray(function (error, courses) {
    if (error) {
      process.nextTick(function () {
    } else {
      process.nextTick(function () {

So what are my choices here?

  1. Is there a way to code this in a way that doesnt require any control flow libraries? If yes, can someone show me how?

  2. If this does require use of a control flow library, which one should I use? asynch, FuturesJs, anything else?

You don't need any control flow libraries, as these libraries are just using callbacks in the background.

Try something like this:

db.collection('student_profile', function (err, collection) {

  // Suppose that `firstQuery` and `secondQuery` are functions that make your
  // queries and that they're already defined.
  firstQuery(function firstCallback(err, firstRes) {

    // Do some logic here.

    // Make your second query inside the callback
    secondQuery(function secondCallback(err, secondRes) {
      // More logic here

Basically, what you want to do is call your second query from inside the callback of your first query.

This may strike you as deeply nested. If this becomes a problem, you can mitigate it by defining your functions instead of inlining all of them, and by wrapping logic inside of modules.

I would create a findStudent function and have both cases call it:

db.collection('student_profile', function (err, stuColl) {
  //This if-else can be refactored in to a seperate function
  if (req.params.stuId == req.header('x-stuId')) {
    return findStudent(student);
  } else {
    var stuInQuestionId = new ObjectID.createFromHexString(req.params.stuId);
      '_id': stuInQuestionId
    }, function (err, stuInQuestionObj) {
      if (!stuInQuestionObj) {
        process.nextTick(function () {
      } else {
        return findStudent(stuInQuestionObj);

  function findStudent(stuInQuestion) {
      '_id': {
        $in: stuInQuestion['courses']
      '_id': -1
    }).toArray(function (error, courses) {
      if (error) {
        process.nextTick(function () {
      } else {
        process.nextTick(function () {

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