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raise event in UI thread

I need to raise events in UI thread, all solution I have found are only for full framework: for example very simple solution with GetInvocationList and ISynchronizeInvoke, but NET CF does not support ISynchronizeInvoke. Is there any way to raise events in UI thread for CF? My code is below. I use .NET CF 3.5

class Publisher {
  public event EventHandler OnEventHandler;
  private void OnEvent()
    var handler = OnEventHandler;
    if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty); 

I use MethodInvoker , which has to be declared (because it does not exist under the compact framework), then include a link to the parent control (usually the main form):

class Publisher {
  #if PocketPC // MethodInvoker delegate is not declared in CF!
  public delegate void MethodInvoker(); 
  private Form _parent;

  public Publisher(Form parent) {
    _parent = parent;

  public event EventHandler OnEventHandler;
  private void OnEvent() {
    if (OnEventHandler != null) {
      MethodInvoker mi = delegate { OnEventHandler(this, EventArgs.Empty); };
      try {
      } catch (ObjectDisposedException) {
      } catch (NullReferenceException err) {
        LogError("OnEvent NullReference", err);
      } catch (InvalidOperationException err) {
        LogError("OnEvent InvalidOperation", err);

Hopefully, you are able to do something with that. ;)


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