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Ajax success: {return false;}

I want to return false from $.ajax when success is complete:

    url: '' + $website_url + 'queries/voorraad_berekenen.php',
    type: 'post',
    data: {
        aantal: $(this).parent('form').children('.quantity').val(),
        item_number_1: $(this).parent('form').children('.item_number_1').val()
    success: function(result) {
        return false;

This doesn't work. Is there a work around?

From your post I guess that you call a function that contains the $.ajax() and try to return false to that function. but you can't do that such way, because AJAX is asynchronous.

It's better to call a function from the ajax success function like following:

    url: '' + $website_url + 'queries/voorraad_berekenen.php',
    type: 'post',
    data: {
        aantal: $(this).parent('form').children('.quantity').val(),
        item_number_1: $(this).parent('form').children('.item_number_1').val()
    success: function(result) {
        var returned = true;
        if(some_condition_not_satisfied) {
          returned = false;
        } else {

        // call a function

function calledFromAjaxSuccess(result) {
  if(result) {
  } else {

Maybe you could try something like this (values 1 and 0 should be changed to the ones that you use):

success: function(result){
if(result === '1'){
// do something
   return false;

just use asunc false it can work fine i have implemented like that only

just try it

    url: '' + $website_url + 'queries/voorraad_berekenen.php',
    type: 'post',
    data: {
        aantal: $(this).parent('form').children('.quantity').val(),
        item_number_1: $(this).parent('form').children('.item_number_1').val()
   async: false, //=>>>>>>>>>>> here >>>>>>>>>>>
    success: function(result) {
        return false;

it is working fine try it once

<form action="yourpage" method="post" onsubmit="return matchpass();">
   <label> Name</label>
   <input type="text" name="name" id="name">
   <label> Email ID</label>
   <input type="email" name="email" id="email">            
   <label> Mobile No</label>
   <input type="text" name="mob"  maxlength="10" onkeyup="check_if_exists();" autocomplete="off" id="mob">
   <button type="button" >Send</button>
  <span id="err"></span>
   <label> OTP</label>
   <input type="password" name="otp" id="otp"  maxlength="6" placeholder="****">
   <span id="err2"></span>
   <input type="reset" value="Reset" class="reset-btn">
   <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" >              
<input type="hidden"  id="otpcheck"/>

function matchpass()

    url: "yourpage",
    data:{ mobile:mob,otp:otp},
           document.getElementById("otpcheck").value=1; //important

           document.getElementById("err2").style.color = "red";
           document.getElementById("err2").innerHTML = "invalid OTP Number ";
         document.getElementById("otpcheck").value=0; //important


        return false;


I face this problem. then i found the actual solution. use async : false, inside ajax call

function thisisavailavailusername(uname){
var dataString = 'username='+ uname.value;
var trueorfalse = false;
    type: "post",
    url: "/BloodBook/checkavailableusername",
    data: dataString,
    cache: false,
    async : false, //user this then everything ok
    success: function(html){
            trueorfalse = true;
            $('#validusername').html('Not Available');
            trueorfalse = false;

    error: function() {
        alert("Something Wrong...");

return trueorfalse;


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