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SVN relaltive path externals

I have a repository of tools I have written in php and a repository of application code which will use them. I want the two folders to end up on the same level when I check them out. I tried to accomplish this by setting the svn:externals property for the application folder to

../toolkit http://(toolkit repo url)/

but apparently it can't do this with relative paths. I do not want the toolkit folder to be inside the application folder, I want them on the same level but doing

toolkit http://(toolkit repo url)/

will put the toolkit inside the application folder. Anyone know how I can do what I am trying to do here? (If it matters, I am doing this from the command line not tortise svn or some other program)

If I understand you correctly, then you want to achieve the following folder structure after adding the svn:externals property:

 C:\\SvnCheckouts\\MyApplication\\ src\\ toolkit\\ 

... with toolkit\\ being added as a result of the external. In that case, you should add the external to the MyApplication\\ folder.

If you're trying instead to add the external to the src\\ folder, then you're out of luck because, although the following is a valid external definition ...

http://(toolkit repo url)/ ..\\toolkit

... SVN will strip the slash and create a folder within src\\ named ..toolkit (notice that I've placed the URL before the name of the intended external folder, as per best practice).

Hope this helps.

我发现我想要做的事情在SVN 1.6中是完全合法的,但我试图在SVN 1.4中这样做,所以我所要做的就是升级到更新的版本。

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