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Objectify Google DataSore Query

Here's the thing :-) We have two classes, Appointment and Hairdresser , both having the same, one ancestor (a static final Key: topParent ) representing the HairSalon Key. The Appointment contains the Hairdresser like this:

    public Key parent; 
    public Key hairdresserKey;`

but when we try to filter out the appointment, it doesn't come up with a result. The parent in the hairdresserKey == null , that might be a clue, but we're kind of stuck now.

So can someone please tell us what's wrong with this query?

Thanks a lot!

        appointment.hairdresserKey = new Key<Hairdresser>(topParent, Hairdresser.class, appointment.hairdresser.id);
    appointment.parent = topParent;

    Key<Hairdresser> queryKey = new Key<Hairdresser>(topParent, Hairdresser.class, appointment.hairdresser.id);

    Objectify ofyTransaction = ObjectifyService.beginTransaction();
    try {

        List<Key<Appointment>> previousTimeSlotOneHour = ofyTransaction.query(Appointment.class)
                .filter("hairdresserKey", appointment.hairdresserKey)
                .filter("timeSlot", appointment.timeSlot.getPreviousTimeSlot())
                .filter("LENGTH", 1.0d).listKeys();

To clearify some more, this is how Appointment set up:


public class Appointment implements Serializable {

public Long id;
public TimeSlot timeSlot;

public WorkDay workDay;

public Customer customer;
public Key customerKey;

public int END_TIME_HOUR;
public int END_TIME_MINUTES;

public int revisionNumber = -1;

/* QUERY Fields */
private String stringDate;
private double LENGTH;

public Key parent;
private Date date;

public Hairdresser hairdresser;
public Key hairdresserKey;

Found this:

This is almost certainly an indexing issue. In order for that query to work, you must define two indexes:

A single-property index on referenceKeyToC A multi-property index on {ancestor, referenceKeyToC} In Objectify 3.x, properties have single-property indexes by default, but if you have added @Unindexed to the class B then you need to put @Indexed on referenceKeyToC. The multi-property index is defined in datastore-indexes.xml. If you run this query in dev mode, the environment should provide you with the snippet of xml needed.

That did the trick! Thanks for pointing in the right direction!

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