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c# windows application crashes after installation

i recently developed ac# windows application with visual studio 2010. My application was consisted by 2 projects, the main one and a setup project.

In my PC and Laptop everything works fine (i have vs2010 installed in both). I install the application and run it without problems.

The problem is that after installing it on other machines, i run the app and after a few second i get this message:

Signature problem:
 Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
 Signature problem 01: "myapplication_name".exe
 Signature problem 02:
 Signature problem 03: 4fc25af5
 Signature problem 04: System.Data.SqlServerCe
 Signature problem 05:
 Signature problem 06: 4b743b2d
 Problem Signature 07: 49e
 Signature problem 08: 25
 Signature problem 09: System.AggregateException
 OS Version: 6.1.7601.
 Locale ID: 1033
 Additional Information 1: 4be7
 Additional Information 2: 4be78fdd727e4350d8f2189583321f8d
 Additional Information 3: ee32
 Additional Information 4: ee3246da456e2a0eb853eb97402fe5f6

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 C: \ Windows \ system32 \ el-GR \ erofflps.txt

Does anyone know why is this happening? Thank you in advance

Looks like it can't find SQL Server Compact Edition on the target PC. You need to add a reference to it in your installer

Does this help?:

OK i figured it out. You were right about the SQL CE. I had it as a prerequisite in the first project but NOT in the setup project!! Thank you very much for your help

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