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Neither client-side or server-side (asp.net) imagemap will popup html form

I have a sprite that when clicked it should open either an htm help file or video, depending on where clicked.
I have tried asp.net image map and client side map, with and without the window.open and also sending to a javascript function. Nothing works. I really don't want to use server side, but I just can't seem to get this working.

<div class="divhelp">
  <br />
        <asp:RectangleHotSpot Target="_self" Top="0" Bottom="32" Left="0" Right="34" AlternateText="Videos" NavigateUrl="openVideoHelp('1')" />  
        <asp:RectangleHotSpot Target="_blank" Top="0" Bottom="32" Left="35" Right="70" AlternateText="Help" NavigateUrl="javascript:window.open('../HelpFiles/Login.htm', 'Search', 'width=600,height=450,left=150,top=200,scrollbars=1,toolbar=no,menubar=yes,status=1')" />  

<a href="#"><img src="images2020/SpriteVideoandHelp.png" alt="Videos and Help Files" width="70" height="32" border="0" usemap="#mapname"/></a><br />
  <map id="mapname">
    <area shape="rect" onclick="javascript:window.open('../HelpFiles/Login.htm','Search','width=650,height=500,left=150,top=200,scrollbars=1,toolbar=no,menubar=yes,status=1')" alt="Videos" coords="0,32,0,34"/>
    <area shape="rect" onclick="javascript:window.open('../HelpFiles/Login.htm','Search','width=650,height=500,left=150,top=200,scrollbars=1,toolbar=no,menubar=yes,status=1')" alt="Help" coords="0,32,35,70" />

    function openVideoHelp(imgClicked) {

    if (imgClicked == '1') {
        helpfile = window.open('../HelpFiles/Login.htm', 'Search', 'width=600,height=450,left=150,top=200,scrollbars=1,toolbar=no,menubar=yes,status=1');
        return false;
    else {

        helpfile = window.open('../HelpFiles/Login.htm', 'Search', 'width=600,height=450,left=150,top=200,scrollbars=1,toolbar=no,menubar=yes,status=1');
        return false;


There are several other variations to the above that I have tried with no luck.

What am I doing wrong or is this not possible?

Thank you for your help.

You can remove the server-side imagemap.

All that is wrong with the client-side imagemap is that you have got the width and height for the image switched. It should be width="32" height="70" .

Also, the video area has it's co-ordinates mixed up: it should read <area coords="0,0,32,34"... .

Hope that helps.

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