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How do I check if my DirectShow Renderer filter is being used?

In my DirectShow project I create a filter (derived from CBaseVideoRenderer ) to render to a block of memory. This works in most cases perfectly well, with me adding the filter

    mGraphBuilder->AddFilter(pInterfaceInfo, MemoryRendererName);

and relying on GraphBuilder to do the rest. However in some cases the graph builder and my filter cannot agree on a common format and it creates a new ActiveMovie window, bypassing my filter.

I would like to detect when this occurs so that I know my filter is not being used, but cannot work out how.

I enumerate all filters in my graph, looking for my filter, using the following method:

(EDIT: I pass my my GraphBuilder object as the pGraph parameter when I call this)

HRESULT MediaPlayer::CheckFilterGraphFor(IFilterGraph *pGraph, IBaseFilter* pFilterToLookFor)
    IEnumFilters *pEnum = NULL;
    IBaseFilter *pFilter;
    ULONG cFetched;

    HRESULT enumeratedFilterCount = 0;

    FILTER_INFO pRefFilterInfo;

    HRESULT hr = pGraph->EnumFilters(&pEnum);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        while(pEnum->Next(1, &pFilter, &cFetched) == S_OK)

            FILTER_INFO FilterInfo;
            hr = pFilter->QueryFilterInfo(&FilterInfo);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                if(wcscmp(FilterInfo.achName, pRefFilterInfo.achName) == 0)
                    return S_OK;    

                // The FILTER_INFO structure holds a pointer to the Filter Graph
                // Manager, with a reference count that must be released.
                if (FilterInfo.pGraph != NULL)



    return enumeratedFilterCount;

But it does not work as expected, as my filter is always found regardless of whether it is in use or not.

How can I tell when my filter is in use as the video renderer for my DirectShow graph, and when it is not?

找到渲染器过滤器后,找到其输入引脚并检查其是否已连接(IPin :: ConnectedTo)

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