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Is there a way to partially mock an object using EasyMock?

Eg let's say I have this class:

public class Foo Implements Fooable {
  public void a() {
    // does some stuff
    bar = b();
    // moar coadz
  public Bar b() {
    // blah
  // ...

And I want to test Foo.a . I want to mock Foo.b , because I'm testing that method separately. What I'm imagining is something like this:

public class FooTest extends TestCase {
  public void testA() {
    Fooable foo = createPartialMock(
      Fooable.class,  // like with createMock
      Foo  // class where non-mocked method implementations live

    // Foo's implementation of b is not used.
    // Rather, it is replaced with a dummy implementation
    // that records calls that are supposed to be made;
    // and returns a hard coded value (i.e. new Bar()).
    expect(foo.b()).andReturn(new Bar());

    // The rest is the same as with createMock:
    //   1. Stop recording expected calls.
    //   2. Run code under test.
    //   3. Verify that recorded calls were made.

I know I can write my own Foo subclass to do this sort of thing for me. But I don't want to do that if I don't have to, because it's tedious ie should be automated.

In EasyMock 3.0+, you can create Partial mock using the mockbuilder


I guess you can do that using the EasyMock extensions library. You can find a simple example here in this Partial Mocking

The OP appears(?) to be suggesting that subclassing is somehow more difficult or tedious than partial mocking. I suggest it's worth rethinking that.

For example, in the test class:

  Foo dummyFoo = new Foo() {
      @Override public Bar b() { return new Bar(); }

does what the OP states, seems simpler, and less prone to other problems (forgetting to replay/verify/etc.), than using EasyMock.

I would find a way to upgrade to JUnit 4, and use classextensions. (Actually, I would use Mockito instead of EasyMock, but let's not rewrite your whole test suite.) If you can't, then you could always create your own spy thusly:

public class FooTest extends TestCase {
    public static class FooSpy extends Foo {
        private final Fooable mockFoo;

        FooSpy(Fooable mockFoo) {
            this.mockFoo = mockFoo;

        public Bar b() {
            return mockFoo.b();

    public void testA() {
        Fooable mockFoo = createMock(Foo.class);
        Fooable fooSpy = new FooSpy(mockFoo);

        // Foo's implementation of b is not used.
        // Rather, it is replaced with a dummy implementation
        // that records calls that are supposed to be made;
        // and returns a hard coded value (i.e. new Bar()).
        expect(mockFoo.b()).andReturn(new Bar());

        // The rest is the same as with createMock:
        // 1. Stop recording expected calls.
        // 2. Run code under test.
        // 3. Verify that recorded calls were made.


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