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p-value for a vector in R

I want to get the p-value of a vector of F value in R .

dat <- data.frame(df = round(runif(n=10, min=5, max=10)), F=runif(n=10, min=1, max=50))
pf(q = dat[2], df1 = dat[1], df2 = dat[10, 1], ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE)

I can do this by element-wise but couldn't figure out how to accomplish this for a vector. Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks

The pf() function works on vectors. Try:

pf(q = dat$F, df1 = dat$df, df2 = dat[10, 1], 
   ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE)

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