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jquery string comparison variable

I have the following code:

arr = ["abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl"]
arr2 = ["abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl"]

    thiselem = this;

        if(thiselem == "abc" && this == "abc")
            alert("case 1");
        if(thiselem == this)
            alert('case 2');

When I run this only "case 1" pops up. Logically this statement should be true by the transitive property, so I am guessing it is some JavaScript string syntactic issue or a jQuery scope thing is messing this up. Any advice is appreciated.

Other posters have suggested workarounds, I'll try to answer the question why your original code doesn't work. The answer is rather non-trivial and reveals some good-to-know javascript gotchas.

jQuery.each uses apply to pass this to its callback. When apply's argument is a primitive value, like string, it will be "boxed", ie converted to an object (specifically, the String object):

console.log(typeof("cat"))  // string

logger = function() { console.log(typeof(this)) }
logger.apply("cat")  // object

Now consider the following:

a = ["abc"]
b = ["abc"]

$(a).each(function() {
   var that = this
   $(b).each(function() {
       console.log(this == that) // false!

Although a[0] and b[0] are "obviously" equal, the == operator returns false because both are objects, and two object variables are only equal if they are physically the same object. On the other side, this works as expected:

a = ["abc"]
b = ["abc"]

$(a).each(function() {
     console.log(this == "abc") // true
     console.log(this == b[0]) // true

When JS compares an object to a string, the object is converted to a string primitive using toString . Since this is a String object, its toString returns the primitive string it was made of, and two primitive strings are equal if their characters are equal.

arr = ["abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl"]
arr2 = ["abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl"]

$(arr).each(function(index, val1) {
    $(arr2).each(function(i, val2) {
        if (val1 == "abc" && val2 == "abc") alert("case 1");
        if (val1 == val2) alert('case 2');

Sample workout

Try like below,

var arr = ["abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl"]
var arr2 = ["abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl"]

$(arr).each(function(idx, el){
    $(arr2).each(function(idx, iEl){
        if(el == "abc" && iEl == "abc")
            alert("case 1");       
        if(el == iEl)
            alert('case 2');

Note: I assume the above is just a pseudo code. We can help better if you let us know what you are trying to do.


Try this:

var arr = ["abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl"]
var arr2 = ["abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl"]

jQuery.each(arr,function(key1, val1){
  jQuery.each(arr2,function(key2, val2 ){
    if(val1 == "abc" && val2 == "abc")
        alert("case 1");       
    if(val1 == val2)
        alert('case 2');

Here is Demo

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