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Customize tab completion in shell

This may be have a better name than "custom tab completion", but here's the scenario:

Typically when I'm at the command line and I enter a command, followed with {TAB} twice, I get a list of all files and subdirectories in the current directory. For example:

[user@host tmp]$ cat <TAB><TAB>
chromatron2.exe                  Fedora-16-i686-Live-Desktop.iso  isolate.py
favicon.ico                      foo.exe                          James_Gosling_Interview.mp3

However, I noticed at least one program somehow filters this list: wine . Consider:

[user@host tmp]$ wine <TAB><TAB>
chromatron2.exe  foo.exe

It effectively filters the results to *.exe .

Thinking it might be some sort of wrapper script responsible for the filtering, a did a which and file an it turns out wine is not a script but an executable.

Now, I don't know whether this "filter" is somehow encoded in the program itself, or otherwise specified during the default wine install, so I'm not sure whether this question is more appropriate for stackoverflow or superuser, so I'm crossing my fingers and throwing it here. I apologize if I guessed wrong. (Also, I checked a few similar questions, but most were irrelevant or involved editing the shell configuration.)

So my question is, how is this "filtering" accomplished? Thanks in advance.

You will likely find a file on your system called /etc/bash_completion which is full of functions and complete commands that set up this behavior. The file will be sourced by one of your shell startup files such as ~/.bashrc .

There may also be a directory called /etc/bash_completion.d which contains individual files with more completion functions. These files are sourced by /etc/bash_completion .

This is what the wine completion command looks like from the /etc/bash_completion on my system:

complete -f -X '!*.@(exe|EXE|com|COM|scr|SCR|exe.so)' wine

This set of files is in large part maintained by the Bash Completion Project .

您可以在bash手册中查看Programmable Completion ,了解它的工作原理。

I know this is old but I was looking to do something similar with a script of my own.

You can play around with an example I made here: http://runnable.com/Uug-FAUPXc4hAADF/autocomplete-for-bash

Pasted code from above:

# Create function that will run when a certain phrase is typed in terminal
# and tab key is pressed twice
    # fill local variable with a list of completions
    local COMPLETES="add sub mult div"
    # you can fill this variable however you want. example:
    # ./genMathArgs.sh > ./mathArgsList
    # local COMPLETES=`cat ./mathArgsList`

    # we put the completions into $COMPREPLY using compgen
    return 0

# get completions for command 'math' from function '_math_complete()'
complete -F _math_complete math 

# print instructions
echo ""
echo "To test auto complete do the following:"
echo "Type math then press tab twice." 
echo "You will see the list we created in COMPLETES"
echo ""

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