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Insert data into one table and update another

I have 2 different tables project and payments . When I insert a payment I want the value of flag from the project table to be changed to paid if the $money inserted are exactly the same as the value of cost ( cost is another cell from the project table) and the $order = proj_name .

Here comes the code!

 // define variables
 $name = $_POST['name'];
 $order = $_POST['order'];
 $money = $_POST['money'];
 $date = $_POST['date'];

 $sql="INSERT INTO payments VALUES

 $s="UPDATE project SET flag='payed' WHERE proj_name='$order' AND cost like '%money%'";
 echo '<center>' ."Payment stored successfully". '</center>';
 echo '<center>'."<a href='payments_edit.php'>View Changes</a>".'</center>';

 if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))
  die('Error: ' . mysql_error());


If you want any more info on anything let me know :)

You are missing $ in AND cost like '%money%' . It should be AND cost like '%$money%'

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