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Java 7 support for Google App Engine Java

The Google App Engine Java overview page indicates that the Java versions 5 and 6 are supported. When starting the local development server with Java 7u4 the following error bubbles up:

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGBUS (0xa) at pc=0x000000010d733a96, pid=32766, tid=140735250205024
# JRE version: 7.0_04-b21
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (23.0-b21 mixed mode bsd-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# J  com.google.appengine.repackaged.org.objectweb.asm.MethodWriter.visitInsn(I)V

For more information please refer to the output and the thread dump .

Is there any known issue with this particular Java 7 version? Is there going to be full Java 7 support for GAE Java on the roadmap?

Is there any known issue with this particular Java 7 version?

We're well aware of Java 1.7 issues.

Is there going to be full Java 7 support for GAE Java on the roadmap?

Until we've made some official announcement, we have to ask for patience.

As of AppEngine 1.7.7, support has been added for Java 7.


Is there any known issue with this particular Java 7 version?

Well, as you stated it's not supported.

Also, this 2011 thread seems to reference a similar bug on OS X and announces a bugfix.

Is there going to be full Java 7 support for GAE Java on the roadmap?

Probably not for a rather long while.

You could, however, try to force the use of a 1.6 source format and a 1.6 target class format, in your Eclipse project (or whichever build system you use).

Further Reading:

Here is what has been announced here on this recently:

Version 1.7.3 - October 23, 2012

We encourage you to try and test your application using Java 7 and the App Engine SDK. Note that Java 7 is not a supported runtime.

Java 7 Features that we encourage you to try in dev appserver:

Strings in switch

Binary integral literals and underscores in number literals

Multi-catch and more precise rethrow

Improved type inference for generic instance creation (diamond)

try-with-resources statement

Simplified varargs method invocation

Java 7 features that are NOT supported:

All new Java 7 classes (the Google App Engine whitelist has not been updated yet)

Method Handles

Invoke Dynamic bytecode

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