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Symfony2 Authenticating Someone with a Custom Entity Provider ERROR

I faced a problem when trying to implement the Custom Entity Provider for user authentication. I got the Mapping Exception that my entity is not a valid or mapped super class. Here is my Actual Error: ------------- Exception/Error Start --------------

1/1 MappingException: Class MunichInnovationGroup\PatentBundle\Entity\UmUsers is not a valid entity or mapped super class.

in C:\wamp\www\idp\vendor\doctrine\lib\Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\MappingException.php line 142
at MappingException::classIsNotAValidEntityOrMappedSuperClass() in C:\wamp\www\idp\vendor\doctrine\lib\Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\DriverChain.php line 80
at DriverChain->loadMetadataForClass() in C:\wamp\www\idp\vendor\doctrine\lib\Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactory.php line 281
at ClassMetadataFactory->loadMetadata() in C:\wamp\www\idp\vendor\doctrine\lib\Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactory.php line 170
at ClassMetadataFactory->getMetadataFor() in C:\wamp\www\idp\vendor\doctrine\lib\Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager.php line 257
at EntityManager->getClassMetadata() in C:\wamp\www\idp\vendor\doctrine\lib\Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager.php line 573
at EntityManager->getRepository() in C:\wamp\www\idp\vendor\symfony\src\Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Security\User\EntityUserProvider.php line 42
at EntityUserProvider->__construct() in C:\wamp\www\idp\app\cache\dev\appDevDebugProjectContainer.php line 2191
at appDevDebugProjectContainer->getSecurity_User_Provider_Concrete_UserDbService() in C:\wamp\www\idp\app\bootstrap.php.cache line 190
at Container->get() in C:\wamp\www\idp\app\cache\dev\appDevDebugProjectContainer.php line 2174
at appDevDebugProjectContainer->getSecurity_User_Provider_Concrete_ChainProviderService() in C:\wamp\www\idp\app\bootstrap.php.cache line 190
at Container->get() in C:\wamp\www\idp\app\cache\dev\appDevDebugProjectContainer.php line 2140
at appDevDebugProjectContainer->getSecurity_Authentication_ManagerService() in C:\wamp\www\idp\app\bootstrap.php.cache line 190
at Container->get() in C:\wamp\www\idp\app\cache\dev\appDevDebugProjectContainer.php line 1304
at appDevDebugProjectContainer->getSecurity_ContextService() in C:\wamp\www\idp\app\bootstrap.php.cache line 190
at Container->get() in C:\wamp\www\idp\app\cache\dev\appDevDebugProjectContainer.php line 1178
at appDevDebugProjectContainer->getProfilerService() in C:\wamp\www\idp\app\bootstrap.php.cache line 190
at Container->get() in C:\wamp\www\idp\app\cache\dev\appDevDebugProjectContainer.php line 1195
at appDevDebugProjectContainer->getProfilerListenerService() in C:\wamp\www\idp\app\bootstrap.php.cache line 190
at Container->get() in C:\wamp\www\idp\app\cache\dev\classes.php line 4779
at ContainerAwareEventDispatcher->lazyLoad() in C:\wamp\www\idp\app\cache\dev\classes.php line 4768
at ContainerAwareEventDispatcher->dispatch() in C:\wamp\www\idp\app\cache\dev\classes.php line 3916
at HttpKernel->handleException() in C:\wamp\www\idp\app\cache\dev\classes.php line 3855
at HttpKernel->handle() in C:\wamp\www\idp\app\cache\dev\classes.php line 4828
at HttpKernel->handle() in C:\wamp\www\idp\app\bootstrap.php.cache line 547
at Kernel->handle() in C:\wamp\www\idp\web\app_dev.php line 20

**------------- Exception/Error End --------------**

Lets describe my application

  1. I have three databases DB-A , DB-B , DB-C and make three database connections in config.yml file which are default : DB-A, DB_B : DB-B, DB_C : DB-C
  2. default connection is configured with default_entity_manager ORM, other entity managers DB_B uses connection DB_B and mapping with MIGPatBundle, DB_C uses connection DB_C and also mapping with MIGPatBundle.
  3. My UmUsers entity resides in MIGPatBundle and we need to validate it in DB-B database.
  4. I explain these elaborately because if i change the default_entity_manager ORM from default to DB_B then it works fine.

Here is my files

------------- config.yml Start --------------

**Doctrine Configuration**

    default_connection:       default
            driver:   "%db_driver_DB-A%"
            host:     "%db_host_DB-A%"
            port:     "%db_port_DB-A%"
            dbname:   "%db_name_DB-A%"
            user:     "%db_user_DB-A%"
            password: "%db_password_DB-A%"
            charset:  UTF8
            driver:   "%db_driver_DB-B%"
            host:     "%db_host_DB-B%"
            port:     "%db_port_DB-B%"
            dbname:   "%db_name_DB-B%"
            user:     "%db_user_DB-B%"
            password: "%db_password_DB-B%"
            charset:  UTF8
            driver:   "%db_driver_DB-C%"
            host:     "%db_host_DB-C%"
            port:     "%db_port_DB-C%"
            dbname:   "%db_name_DB-C%"
            user:     "%db_user_DB-C%"
            password: "%db_password_DB-C%"
            charset:  UTF8

    default_entity_manager:   default
            connection:       default
                MIGBundle: ~
            connection:       DB_B
                MIGPatBundle: ~
            connection:       DB_C
                MIGPatBundle: ~

------------- config.yml End --------------

------------- security.yml Start ------------

        algorithm: sha512
        encode-as-base64: true
        iterations: 10


        providers: [user_db]
        entity: { class: MIG\PatBundle\Entity\UmUsers }

        pattern:    ^/
        anonymous: ~
            target: /
            provider: chain_provider
            check_path:  /security/login_check
            default_target_path: /
            login_path:  /security/login

    - { path: ^/account, roles: ROLE_USER }
    - { path: ^/management, roles: ROLE_ADMIN }
    - { path: ^/portfolio, roles: ROLE_USER }
    - { path: ^/portfoliogroup, roles: ROLE_USER }
    - { path: ^/security, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
    - { path: ^/userpatent, roles: ROLE_USER }
    - { path: ^/_internal, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY, ip: }

access_denied_url: /security/forbidden

------------- security.yml End --------------

------------- User Entity Start --------------


namespace MIG\PatBundle\Entity;

use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Validator\Constraints\UniqueEntity;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;

 *@ORM\Table(name = "um_users")
class UmUsers implements UserInterface

  @var string $id

  @ORM\Column(name="id", type="string", length=36, nullable=false)
private $id;

 * @ORM\Column(name="user_name", type="string", length=50, nullable=true)
 * @var string $userName
private $userName;

 * @var string $email
 * @ORM\Column(name="email", type="string", length=100, nullable=false)
private $email;

 * @ORM\Column(name="password", type="string", length=100, nullable=false)
 * @Assert\MinLength(
 *     limit = 6,
 *     message = "The password must contain at least {{ limit }} characters."
 * )
 * @var string $password
private $password;

 * @var string $salt
 * @ORM\Column(name="salt", type="string", length=255, nullable=false)
private $salt;

 * @var string $activationCode
 * @ORM\Column(name="activation_code", type="string", length=255, nullable=false)
private $activationCode;

 * @var boolean $activated
 * @ORM\Column(name="activated", type="boolean", nullable=true)
private $activated;

 * @var UmRoles
 * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="UmRoles", inversedBy="user")
 * @ORM\JoinTable(name="um_usersinroles",
 *   joinColumns={
 *     @ORM\JoinColumn(name="user_id", referencedColumnName="id")
 *   },
 *   inverseJoinColumns={
 *     @ORM\JoinColumn(name="role_id", referencedColumnName="id")
 *   }
 * )
private $role;

public function __construct()
    $this->role = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
    $this->createdAt = new \DateTime();
    $this->lastLoginAt = new \DateTime();
    $this->lastUpdatedDate = new \DateTime();
    $this->lastLoginDate = new \DateTime();
    $this->lastPasswordChangedDate = new \DateTime();

 * Get id
 * @return string 
public function getId()
    return $this->id;

 * Set userName
 * @param string $userName
public function setUserName($userName)
    $this->userName = $userName;

 * Get userName
 * @return string 
public function getUserName()
    return $this->userName;

 * Set email
 * @param string $email
public function setEmail($email)
    $this->email = $email;

 * Get email
 * @return string
public function getEmail()
    return $this->email;

 * Set password
 * @param string $password
public function setPassword($password)
    $this->password = $password;

 * Get password
 * @return string 
public function getPassword()
    return $this->password;

 * Set salt
 * @param string $salt
public function setSalt($salt)
    $this->salt = $salt;

 * Get salt
 * @return string 
public function getSalt()
    return $this->salt;

 * Set activationCode
 * @param string $activationCode
public function setActivationCode($activationCode)
    $this->activationCode = $activationCode;

 * Get activationCode
 * @return string 
public function getActivationCode()
    return $this->activationCode;

 * Set activated
 * @param boolean $activated
public function setActivated($activated)
    $this->activated = $activated;

 * Get activated
 * @return boolean 
public function getActivated()
    return $this->activated;

 * Add role
 * @param MIG\PatBundle\Entity\UmRoles $role
public function addUmRoles(\MIG\PatBundle\Entity\UmRoles $role)
    $this->role[] = $role;

 * Get role
 * @return Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection 
public function getRole()
    return $this->role;

 * Gets an array of roles.
 * @return array An array of Role objects
public function getRoles()
    return $this->getRole()->toArray();

 * Erases the user credentials.
public function eraseCredentials()

 * Compares this user to another to determine if they are the same.
 * @param UserInterface $user The user
 * @return booleanean True if equal, false othwerwise.
public function equals(UserInterface $user)
    return md5($this->getUsername()) == md5($user->getUsername());


------------- User Entity End --------------

------------- UserRepository Entity Start--------------

namespace MIG\PatBundle\Entity;

use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserProviderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\UsernameNotFoundException;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\UnsupportedUserException;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
use Doctrine\ORM\NoResultException;

class UserRepository extends EntityRepository implements UserProviderInterface
public function loadUserByUsername($username)
    $q = $this
        ->where('u.userName = :username OR u.email = :email')
        ->setParameter('username', $username)
        ->setParameter('email', $username)

    try {
        // The Query::getSingleResult() method throws an exception
        // if there is no record matching the criteria.
        $user = $q->getSingleResult();
    } catch (NoResultException $e) {
        throw new UsernameNotFoundException(sprintf('Unable to find an active admin MunichInnovationGroup\PatentBundle\Entity\UmUsers object identified by "%s".', $username), null, 0, $e);

    return $user;

public function refreshUser(UserInterface $user)
    $class = get_class($user);
    if (!$this->supportsClass($class)) {
        throw new UnsupportedUserException(sprintf('Instances of "%s" are not supported.', $class));

    return $this->loadUserByUsername($user->getUsername());

public function supportsClass($class)
    return $this->getEntityName() === $class || is_subclass_of($class, $this->getEntityName());

------------- UserRepository Entity End--------------

Actually i have a deadline to complete this task. I will be very much glade to you if someone can give me the solution.

Regards, Zaif

If you have a look at vendor/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/SecurityBundle/Resources/config/security.xml, you'll see this:

<service id="security.user.provider.entity" class="%security.user.provider.entity.class%" abstract="true" public="false"    >
    <argument type="service" id="security.user.entity_manager" />       
<service id="security.user.entity_manager" alias="doctrine.orm.entity_manager" public="false" />

I think you need to override the security.user.entity_manager , but I am not sure how (maybe adding some lines in security.yml will do the trick), and since it is not public, I am not sure whether you can.

If this does not work, maybe you could report an issue about this.

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