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How to search according to namespaces in Marklogic Server?

Suppose I am having some xml documents with one namespace(http://www.marklogic.com) and another set of xml documents with another namespace(http://www.mynamespce.com). Now I want to search in only those xml documents which are having http://www.marklogic.com namespace. How can I do this ?

You don't say how you are searching, but if you are calling search:search you can set the searchable-expression option to the root element of the documents, including the namespace.

declare variable $query as xs:string external ;
  <options xmlns="http://marklogic.com/appservices/search">

http://docs.marklogic.com/5.0doc/docapp.xqy#display.xqy?fname=http://pubs/5.0doc/xml/search-dev-guide/search-api.xml%2343671 has more on this option.

Or you could call cts:search directly. The searchable expression is the first argument.

declare namespace ns1="http://test/namespace/1" ;
declare variable $query as cts:query external ;
cts:search(/ns1:doc, $query)

There might be other options, too. For example, you could set up multiple fields and search using field queries.

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