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Using PHP/MySQL to loop through checked checkboxes and insert into database

I have a PHP form with 4 text fields and 2 checkboxes. The checkboxes are "tags" that can be applied to the articles that are input using the text fields.

For example:


Title - Defining intransitive relationships of the migratory birds of South America

Author - Author. S. Wellington

Access Date - 19/06/2012

URL - http://www.wellington.org/articles/birds/def-int-rel-mig-bird-s-amer.pdf


Birds[X] South America[X]

In this case both of the checkboxes would be checked, because the article pertains both to birds and South America.

I have a database with 3 tables in it:

articles: id - articletitle - articleorganization - articledate - articleurl

tags: id - tag_content

articles_tags: article_id - tag_id

Currently, my form can insert the article information into the articles table using:

 mysql_query("INSERT INTO articles SET articletitle='$articletitle',
      articleurl='$articleurl' ")

and then, I can use $article_id = mysql_insert_id(); to get the id that would be inserted into the articles_tags table.

But after that I am totally stumped.

I need to somehow loop over the checkboxes:

<input type="checkbox" name="articletags_birds" value="Birds" id="articletags_0" />
<input type="checkbox" name="articletags_southamerica" value="South America" id="articletags_1" />

but I have no idea how I should be doing that.

if ($_POST['articletags_birds'] == 'on')
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO tags SET id='$article_id', tag_content='articletags_birds'");

Do the same for the other tags. If you have a very large number (5+), or want users to input their own tags, just do something like:

foreach ($_POST as $key=>$value)
    if (strpos($key, 'articletags_') === 0) //identity, otherwise false will set this off
         mysql_query("INSERT INTO tags SET id='$article_id', tag_content='$value'");


1.) There will be no POST sent if there is no checkbox selected!

2.) strpos will check if the tag starts with articletags_

3.) please ESCAPE the the queries! I've just shorthanded it all, but malicious PHP can be injected here

Comment if I'm unclear / if its still not working

I am not 100% what your problem is but:

  1. Offcourse I would keep Tag names in database
  2. Then when generating a form to update article i would get all tags from database and insert them in loop like this:

     <input type="checkbox" name="tagArray[]" value = '$tagId' />$tagName 
  3. Then after submitting a form i would check in loop if any of these tags are set in post request and create new articles_tags like this:

     if(isset($_POST['tagArray'])) { $tagArray = $_POST['tagArray']; foreach($tagArray as $tagId) { mysql_query('...'); // insert new articles_tags with tag_id = $tagId and article_id =$article_id } } 

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