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How can i ignore this tag directly for using only text information with using JSOUP?

I am making a scraper which is scraping product price and i need to ignore like this site div class but it is changeable for all web sites so this is really problem for me. You can see here i scrape first element and it comes like this

1 - <div class="ProductPrice"> 
     <span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Category1_ctrl_0_ctrl_7_mainGrid_ctl00_PUnit_lblPriceWithTax">47,00 TL</span> 

Then i scrape second one this scrape again tag(tag names can be changeable so pls consider this before answer)

 2 - <span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Category1_ctrl_0_ctrl_7_mainGrid_ctl00_PUnit_lblPriceWithTax">47,00 TL</span>

My code is :

Elements allElements = newDocument.getAllElements();
        for (int j = 0; j < allElements.size(); j++) {
            Element element = allElements.get(j);
            if (element.text().matches(regex){
             // Writing to console.

I would try (untested code):

Elements elements = newDocument.select("div[class*=ProductPrice]");
for (Element element : elements) {
    Element inner = element.html();
    //do whatever you want with "inner", containing your span

Edit: After your comment, I think, you should use Elements elements = newDocument.select("*:matches(regex)"); , with "regex" the regular expression you need to extract a price. This should give you the liste of elements you need, without using element.html(); :

Elements elements = newDocument.select("*:matches("+regex+")");
for (Element element : elements) {
    //do whatever you want with "inner", containing your span
   while (loopBool)
        if (element.children() != null)
            if (element.children().size() >= k)
                if (!element.child(k).text().matches(regex))

                    loopBool = false;

                k = 0;
                element = element.child(k);


I solved this problem with controlling element has got a children ? then if it has children then check they match regex, if they not match just circulate childs to find acceptable element.

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