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Grails 'withTransaction' with alternate dataSource

Trying to figure out how to open a transaction with an alternate dataSource in grails. I have the following dataSources defined...

dataSource {
    dbCreate = "update"
    url = "jdbc:h2:mem:testDb;MVCC=TRUE"

dataSource_ALT {
   dbCreate = "update"
   url = "jdbc:h2:mem:altDb;MVCC=TRUE"

I'm able to do this with the default dataSource...

Foo.withTransaction { status ->

But when I try and do it with the ALT dataSource, I get an exception - 'No transactionManager bean configured'...

Foo.ALT.withTransaction { status ->

Is there a way to start a transaction using a different dataSource? I've done some digging around and haven't been able to find much.


@Raphael Your suggestion does work. I was able to go to the next step and get withTransaction working by assigning a transaction manager. They seem to be created, just not attached. They exist as Spring beans named something like transactionManager_ALT (in this example). Not sure what actually creates them, and why they aren't attached to the GormStaticApi.

ie here you'd do:

Foo["ALT"].transactionManager = transactionManager_ALT

Probably will try to pick one domain class and assign all the different transaction managers, see if that works, then use that one domain class everywhere to start transactions.

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