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Implement SQL Union Query using Query Builder in Doctrine Symfony2

I'm currently using Symfony2 framework. I don't know how to join 2 of my query by Query Builder in Symfony2, I just can join them using SQL UNION query. Below is the query that returns correct results.

SELECT * FROM (SELECT m.id, m.subject, m.date 
FROM message m JOIN message_incoming mi ON m.id = mi.id
WHERE m.recipient_id = 1
AND mi.trash = 1
AND mi.deleted = 0) AS y
SELECT * FROM (SELECT m.id, m.subject, m.date 
FROM message m JOIN message_outgoing mo ON m.id = mo.id
WHERE m.originator_id = 1
AND mo.trash = 1
AND mo.sent = 1
AND mo.deleted = 0) AS z

I was trying to join this code in just 1 query (without UNION) to get the correct result but I failed.

So how can I implement this query using query builder?

Please advise, thanks.

The best way to write such query without making to much hack on Doctrine2 itself would be to use NativeQuery .

The native/sql QueryBuilder uses the exactly same API as the ORM. And you are able to map result to an existing entity.

I don't know how stupid I am when joining 2 queries without checking the conditions. This is the correct query:

SELECT m.id, m.subject, m.date
FROM message m 
JOIN message_incoming mi ON m.id = mi.id
JOIN message_outgoing mo ON m.id = mo.id
WHERE m.recipient_id = 1
AND mi .trash = 1
AND mi .deleted = 0
OR m.originator_id = 1
AND mo .trash = 1
AND mo .deleted =0
AND mo .sent = 1
ORDER by date DESC

I tried implement it through query builder:

$queryBuilder = $this->entityManager->getRepository('EzxWebmailBundle:Message')
            ->join('m.message_outgoing','mo','ON','m.id = mo.id')
            ->join('m.message_incoming','mi','ON','m.id = mi.id')
            ->where('m.recipient_id = '.$userId)
            ->andWhere('mi.trash = 1')
            ->andWhere('mi.deleted = 0')
            ->orWhere('m.originator_id = '.$userId)
            ->andWhere('mo.trash = 1')
            ->andWhere('mo.deleted = 0')
            ->andWhere('mo.sent = 1')
$result = $queryBuilder->getQuery()->getResult();

How surprisingly it returns incorrect result: So i tried to see what query was generated using :


And I really don't know why doctrine generates extra parenthesis as I get this result (carefully have a look at WHERE clause):

SELECT m.id, m.subject, m.date FROM message m 
INNER JOIN message_outgoing mo ON m.id = mo.id
INNER JOIN message_incoming mi ON m.id = mi.id
WHERE ((m.recipient_id = 1 AND mi.trash = 1 AND mi.deleted = 0) OR m.originator_id = 1) AND mo.trash = 1 AND mo.deleted = 0 AND mo.sent = 1 

So this must be the correct one if I add my own parenthsis:

$queryBuilder = $this->entityManager->getRepository('EzxWebmailBundle:Message')
            ->join('m.message_outgoing','mo','ON','m.id = mo.id')
            ->join('m.message_incoming','mi','ON','m.id = mi.id')
            ->where('(m.recipient_id = '.$userId)
            ->andWhere('mi.trash = 1')
            ->andWhere('mi.deleted = 0)')
            ->orWhere('(m.originator_id = '.$userId)
            ->andWhere('mo.trash = 1')
            ->andWhere('mo.deleted = 0')
            ->andWhere('mo.sent = 1)')

Feel a little stupid.

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